작성일 : 17-04-30 20:36
Sunday Pulpit Message
 글쓴이 : Crystal Sh…
조회 : 1,289  

1st Lec. 

What the Prophets and Moses said would happen


What the 12 tribes of Israel, Moses, and the prophets were waiting for was the Messiah. Christ would come, suffer, rise from the dead, and bring light to the gentiles. I need to be a witness who can turn our eyes from dark to light, turn from the power of Satan to God, so that I may receive forgiveness of sins. Ultimately what Satan blocks is not the works of God but my lifestyle of holding onto the word. I must hold onto the word of God, and ask the absolute question that God desires. If I am inside the covenant, even if a problem comes, there will be God's plan.


2nd Lec.

Chris who came to fulfill the law

(Matthew 5:17-19)

The reason the Pharisee's accused Jesus for breaking the Sabbath was because they did not know who Jesus was. They did not believe Jesus to be God and we're stuck in their own thoughts and motives. Jesus had not come to abolish the law but to complete and fulfill it. By the law, when we commit sins we must face punishment and atone. The only way to be righteous is with Christ alone. God has his time schedule for his children and I must find the word of God believable and discover Christ within my life. Christ being with me is my evidence. 


Prayer Topic: To not get stuck in my own thoughts but live by the word and by the prayer of opening my eyes to see the light from the dark. To discover Christ in my life.


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