작성일 : 17-03-24 23:06
Welcome to the forum room
 글쓴이 : 웹섬김…
조회 : 1,346  

In order to utilize the homepage and have communication amongst the whole church, a forum board has been created. Through the Word that is proclaimed every week, as well as the Word from the Bible read everyday, please share forum of Word fulfillment, forum of prayer answers, and forum of field evangelism, and receive answers together as a whole church of communicating and coming together as one through the covenant. Only those who are registered are authorized to post. Therefore, please register as a member. Thank you.


일반형 뉴스형 사진형 Total 23
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
공지 Welcome to the forum room 웹섬김… 03-24 1347
공지 포럼방에 오신것을 환영합니다. 웹섬김… 03-12 1573
7 강단말씀 포럼 유명실 04-30 752
6 Forum:Concentration Training and New Year's Message SarahPark 04-30 946
5 2017 Concentrated Training Forum Paul Park 04-30 857
4 2017년 원단 메세지 포럼 김다니… 04-29 767
3 2017년 원단 메세지 포럼 (1) 웹섬김… 04-23 1015
2 Welcome to the forum room 웹섬김… 03-24 1347
1 포럼방에 오신것을 환영합니다. 웹섬김… 03-12 1573
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